Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This JUST in.... Pix of Katie from Zambia

We just got some pictures of Katie ministering to the people in Zambia. The pix were taken by Ron Luce... Teen Mania's President and Founder who was able to visit the Zambia team this past weekend.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Missionary Updates from ZAMBIA

The Missionaries in ZAMBIA don't currently have access to the internet. But their Team Leaders have been able communicate some of the following updates from the field by driving an hour away to an available internet cafe:

Jun 20 2008 04:45PM

Michael from says:

We started doing a VBS for a group of older boys and I thought \"Perfect! How can older boys tire me out?\" But managing a group of 13-14 year olds who speak a different language and are in a different culture was much harder than I expected! Some thought they were too cool, some were too quiet; some just spoke to each other in their language and laughed at us. It was hard to know how they could retain anything that we wanted to teach them.
But on the last day, kids we had given up on talked about how they learned the love of Jesus. They remembered what even I forgot we taught them! I smiled as they compared our love with the love that Jesus has for them. They could not ignore or understand how we would leave our homes and travel so far just to love them and set an example for them. It was such a blessing to be with them.

Jun 20 2008 04:48PM

Stephanie says:

Our ministry group was to discuss the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. I told Grant that he should share about becoming a follower of Jesus and lead the prayer. Grant said he was scared to lead so many children to the Lord; he had never done anything like that before! I encouraged him that with God anything is possible and that He can use anyone. So, Grant started the discussion and told them how Jesus wants a relationship with them. He glanced over at me to signal that I should lead the prayer, but I told him it is his turn and time to step out and stretch his faith. God brought him here for such a time as this! Grant smiled and continued to lead every one of those children in a prayer of salvation. Tears streamed down my face as I watched this transformation in the children as well as in Grant. The power of God was great in that moment and I will never forget it.

Jun 20 2008 04:48PM

Hannah says:

Monday we met the young girls from the orphanage that we would be working with. We sang songs with them and played games. At first they were shy and reluctant to interact with us, but as the day went on they became more open and relational. On Wednesday we shared the testimony of Jesus and his love for us; as a result most of the girls gave their life to Him! Beth and I shared our testimonies and answered questions for them.
God is doing a personal work in me through all this! When I was sharing I felt unequipped and that I needed to be more passionate, convincing, and acceptable. My MA prayed for me and opened up doors to how I can be used by Jesus by just being faithful to Him! I am so thankful for the work God is doing here in Zambia and in my life.

Jun 20 2008 05:20 PM

Ministry Update:
Hello from Zambia! Ministry is going wonderful here. On Saturday we had 300 children at a day camp were we were able to feed, play with, and share Jesus with them. This weekend we will be attending a church service with the Zambian people and also doing an afternoon camp in one of the villages. On Monday we will begin building an orphanage and doing another day camp with the children.
All of the students here are doing well! Thank you for your prayers and support; the Lord is being glorified here!

Stacy and Gus (Trip Leaders)

Jun 20 2008 05:07 PM

Shane says:

When we came to the village, there were hundreds of kids, young and old, and I could see they were all starved. Not of food but of love, affection, and truth. At first as we interacted many hung back and stared at us, but as we continued to relate they could tell we were friends to them. The kids were so real and genuine as they began to experience the love of Jesus as they never had before. My heart broke for them as I saw how much they needed true love. There are tens of thousands of people just like the ones I got to interact with! Being here has really opened my eyes to the need in the world around me. So many people do not understand the love of Christ, but I will do what I can to spread His message.

Jun 14 2008 03:07 PM

Today the teams visted some of the homes of the orphans they will be working with. This was an eye opening experiecence for them.
Tonight the teams will have a time to share stories and learn about specific ways to minister to the Ugandans.
Tomorrow they head to Churches of the families of the orphans.
On Monday they begin VBS with hundreds of the orphans in the camps. They will be working with the same orphans all week developing relationships and showing the love of Jesus.
They are in a more remote area of Zambia and internet access is over 1 hour away.

Jun 14 2008 02:58 PM

Although the Zambia teams do not currently have access to the internet, they have contacted the Global Expedition office to let us know that everyone has arrived safely! They are looking forward to starting ministry and are excited that the time they have been waiting and training for has finally arrived!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Katie's in ZAMBIA!!!

Talked to Katie this morning!!

She was on the ground in Zambia!! Doing well.
It's 7 hours ahead of CDT time there. (It was about 11am our time // 6pm her time)

Today... she spent here first day in the orphanages.
She said it was a real blessing and can't wait to go out again tomorrow.

Praise God she is there!

May He use the entire team to bless the children in Zambia!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trip Itinerary

June 9- June 11
Head to Garden Valley, Texas for your trip’s beginning. Over the next three days you will meet your leaders and team, be trained and prepared for ministry in Botswana, hear some great speakers that will challenge you in your own spiritual walk, and draw close to God through incredible Praise and Worship. You won’t want to forget to call home to let your parents know how everything is going – especially to tell them about Commissioning Night!

June 12

Depart Garden Valley, Texas… you are off to Africa!

June 13

You will fly from Dallas, Texas to Johannesburg, South Africa. After arriving in Johannesburg on the evening of the 13th, you will catch your next flight straight into Lusaka.

June 14

Arrive in Lusaka, set up camp and be ready to hit the town with the gospel after meeting our global partners and getting the last bit of training.

June 15
We will be focusing on some evangelism efforts in town as well as doing some much need work projects on some of the orphan homes.

June 16
Sunday we will attend a local church in Lusaka. Following church, your project will conclude country orientation and perhaps even have a couple hours of free time in the afternoon.

June 17-23
Now hang on as you start your first week of Bible Camp with hundreds of orphans. You and your team will be camp counselors and share the gospel in creative ways through out the week. Your love and investment into this lost generation will change your life and theirs for eternity.

June 24
We have just a short time to recover and to take in some fun activities in town before we gear up for the next wave of orphan students.

June 25
Your leaders will have church with you and cover some life changing subjects that you will carry with you for the rest of your life. We will then have a bit of free time and pack up and drive to our next campsite in Livingstone for our next camp.

June 26 - June 27
Our second week of camp we will be with a new group of orphans and put to work the lessons you learned from the first week.

June 28
Today you will have some time to debrief as a team and country before heading out to travel to your African Safari.

June 29

Get ready for some great viewing of African wild life as you head out to one of the best game parks in Southern Africa.

June 30 - July 1
We have a few days to enjoy the wonders of Africa. Of course, we have to take some time for shopping (animal carvings make excellent gifts and abound in Africa). We will take an overnight Authentic African Safari as well – see lions, giraffes, and much more in their native Africa. Game drive with BBQ lunch and dinner-- What could be better? We will also take some time that evening to reflect on our experiences and share stories and testimonies. That's better.

July 12

We will start with some time with your Global Partners learning some details about ministry and then head out for your first day of ministry right after lunch. That evening your leaders will continue with more equipping to make sure you are ready for the next week.

July 13
You all will attend a local African church and be apart of an energetic worship service that you won’t easily forget. That afternoon we will be back on the base, and maybe do some laundry or enjoy some free time.

July 14-18
Now, you will start your first full week of ministry in your designated informal settlement. There you will see first had the hard core issues facing millions of Africans. Two teams will head out of town to a smaller village for the week and see the more rural side of Africa. Each team we will also have a chance to help do some fun children’s ministry. We will be targeting a section of this massive settlement. A large majority of people are unemployed, so we can expect almost everyone to be around and they will be anxious to visit with us through our translators. We will visit some of the same homes over several days as we truly develop relationships with the people.

July 19
Today we will have some fun time taking in some of the unique African culture and a bit of shopping for those special souvenirs.

July 20
We will attend a local church in the area where we have been working. Our invited friends will be there and we will introduce them to the church pastor and cell group leaders. These new believers will be grounded in the Word and discipled in love as they join this part of the Body and continue in their new life with the Lord. Also bring your camera this day you may get to wrestle with some lion cubs and feed a giraffe.

July 21-26
Now the other teams will head out for some time in the smaller villages while teams based in Joberg continue the home to home and children’s ministry in some of the worst squatter camps in Joberg.

July 27
Again we will attend a local church in the area where we have been working. Our invited friends will be there and we will introduce them to the church pastor and cell group leaders. These new believers will also be grounded in the Word and discipled in love as they join this part of the Body and continue in their new life with the Lord.

July 28
All teams will be focusing on making a lasting impact on our community for our last day of ministry. We will continue to help the local church through follow up and discipleship.

July 29

We have a few days to enjoy the wonders of Africa before we head back to the United States. Of course, we have to take some time for shopping (animal carvings make excellent gifts and abound in Africa). However, before we leave we will want to take an overnight Authentic African Safari as well – see lions, giraffes, and much more in their native Africa. Game drive with BBQ lunch and dinner-- What could be better? We will also take some time that evening to reflect on our experiences and share stories and testimonies. That's better. (Note: Please don't forget to bring $100.00 mandatory for the all-inclusive Safari tour).

July 30
Say good bye to South Africa, but we know many of you will leave your heart there and hopefully return soon. Depart in the afternoon for your flight back to Garden Valley.

July 31-August 1
You will arrive back in Texas for a couple days of debriefing. Enjoy your last few days with your team in Garden Valley as you debrief from this wonderful expedition in Africa.

August 2
Head home on a mission to continue living out your faith everyday; share good stories with your friends and family; and show them all of your cool photos.